Sunday, April 6, 2008

Techno Speak

"When the client process sends a message to the NSDistantObject object, the proxy captures the Objective-C message in the form of an NSInvocation object and forwards it to its NSConnection object. The NSConnection object encodes the NSInvocation into an NSPortMessage object, using an NSPortCoder object, and passes it to an NSPort object connected to an NSPort object in the server process. The client’s port sends the encoded data to the server’s port which decodes the data back into an NSPortMessage object. The port message is then sent to the NSConnection object which converts it into an NSInvocation object, using an NSPortCoder object. The invocation is finally dispatched as an Objective-C message sent to the vended object. Any return value from the object is passed back through the connection and returned transparently to the client process."

Yikes, that's really something, isn't it?

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