Thursday, March 6, 2008

iPhone Takes Over the World

Exciting news in the iPhone world today from Apple: third party developers (e.g. Chimoosoft) will finally have a legal way to develop software for the iPhone. In addition, our software will be made available through iTunes and through an installer app on the iPhone itself called "App Store" which will let users install software on the go. Apple will let developers sell their apps (Apple takes a 30% cut) or distribute them freely. For all you iPhone owners out there, you're about to see a huge torrent of applications available for you! In this context, the word "about" means June, 2008 (but developers will have been working away on their software for three months by that point).

The other most important news is that the iPhone will fully support all the common enterprise needs such as Exchange, push email, remote disabling (and erasing) of stolen phones, etc. This is significant, and will go down in history as... the day the iPhone took over the world! Prepare to see as many people walking around with iPhones as you currently see people with iPods!

1 comment:

James Justice said...

This is indeed good news for both developers and end-users.

In fact, Apple's decision to let third parties develop apps for iPhone will entice innovative developers (including Chimoosoft) to really push themselves to make the best and most user-friendly apps possible..

Although i know very little about economics or business practice, i do think of competition as a major component in driving coders to work as hard as they can -- and that in turn produces better products that sell more iPhones.

Apple wins, developers win, the everyday user wins.
